If you are a user who made a purchase that has not been applied to your account, please get in touch with us here at purchasehelp@ugroupmedia.com (We will not handle refund requests through this email)
Note: We will not handle requests about other issues such as refunds, problems with the app/website, forgetting your password, etc.
If you need help with this, contact the elves here https://sanoma.portablenorthpole.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
If your message is related to an iTunes purchase and you are asking for a refund, we would like to point out that our team cannot process these requests. All purchases made through Apple must be handled directly with the iTunes team. They are responsible for managing refunds for purchases made on their platform.
Please note that if you have already contacted the elves through the help center and requested a refund after December 18, your request is in the queue and will not be processed until after Christmas.
Here are some items that may help you resolve your issue:
Your purchase from last year is not in your account: https://sanoma.portablenorthpole.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036099292-What-if-I-can-t-find-my-purchase-or-videos-from-last-year-
I can't reset my password: https://sanoma.portablenorthpole.com/hc/en-us/articles/206003596-I-forgot-my-password-How-do-I-recover-it-
Request a refund: https://sanoma.portablenorthpole.com/hc/en-us