We're sorry you're having trouble with your call. There are several reasons why it might happen. Please consider the following ones: You might want to try adding the phone number without a zero (0) at the beginning, make sure you're always using the right country code (such as +1; +58; etc), and always notice in advance the person who's receiving the call so you don't miss your 3 attempts before the call expires.
If none of this works please try these troubleshooting tips that may solve the problems you're having:
- Try using another browser
- Clear your browser's cookies
- Clear your browser's cache
- If possible, update to a newer version of your browser
- Restart your router
- Restart your computer/device
- If you're on a mobile device, turn off wifi then turn it back on
If this doesn't help, this may be an issue with the connection speed, so knowing what your upload and download speeds are will help narrow down the problem.
If on mobile
- Check to make sure you have the newest version of the App
- Check to make sure you have the newest OS version for your device
- Make sure you have at least 1 GB of free space available on your device
- Log out of the App
- Clear the App data and close it entirely
- Reopen the App and log back in
- Turn off and restart your mobile device
If this doesn't help, please uninstall and reinstall the App.